Saying Goodbye

Jim Collins taught me in his book, Good to Great, that good is the enemy of great. Many people believe that if they keep all the good stuff, it will add up to great, but really, it just adds up to too much stuff. So we have to decide. We have to say GOODBYE. These are the two reasons most people have cluttered lives that are simply too much. 

Many of my clients tell me, “I just don’t know if I can let it go.” Or they think that surrounding themselves with their old stuff will make them feel at home. But it will only give you a happy feeling if you truly love it.

I want to help you have a new home where every single thing serves you.

You want it there, and you like your reason. It serves you and your family members. It’s current – the best version of it for you. 

There is nothing in your home that you have to keep. Nothing. You don’t have to keep the blanket your grandma knitted you when you were five. Keeping it does not mean anything. It doesn’t make you love her more. It doesn’t make your memory better. We can keep memories and ideas and still say GOODBYE to things.

So when you are planning your move, systematically go through every space in your home.

Step 1: Take every single thing out and put it in a pile. You will not want to do this. You’ll tell yourself that you don’t have the time. Do it anyway. I recommend that you give yourself a time frame to get it done for each space. Don’t allow any longer than you have given yourself.

Step 2: Ask the 3 questions for each item. Do this quickly. Be strong and make a decision. Remember that there are no wrong decisions. Make a decision and then stand by it and support it. Based on the answers to these three questions, you will keep it or let it go:

  • Is it serving me?
  • Do I really want it?
  • Is it current or outdated?

If you are keeping it, pack it.

Step 3: Say GOODBYE. If you’re letting it go, say GOODBYE. If someone might use it, put it in a box and donate it. Otherwise throw it away. It’s ok if it’s valuable. It’s ok if you never once used it. Put it in the box and donate it to charity. Don’t have a garage sale or sell it online. It will slow you down way too much. Give it away for someone else to use. It’s been wasted in your home. Your relationship with the item is complete. Take a photo if you want to remember, and then say GOODBYE. Be an adult. It’s just stuff. Saying GOODBYE requires strength. You have it.

Step 4: Create what you want. Now that you have gotten rid of what you don’t want, you will have space for what you do want. Once you get to your new place, embrace minimalism with clear counter tops and sparsely filled drawers. Make room for air in your life. Make room to breathe. Make room for the future.

If you would like to continue this work with me, then schedule a free trial coaching session. 

If you want to stop focusing on what you’ve given up and start loving your life abroad, then contact me now. 

Do you find yourself questioning your decision to move abroad? Do you want to start feeling better now?

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