

How can we get better at loving and being loved? If you can answer this, you own the most valuable secret. 

Love is always the best option. Love feels great. 

Withholding love feels terrible.

Love is for YOU, not the other person. Love always has a good result. Love never hurts. 

Lack of love never protects. 

Love is a wonderful emotion that you should choose whenever you can. 

Not loving someone doesn’t protect you. When you choose not to love someone because you don’t want to get hurt, you are simply hurting yourself ahead of time. Loving is the opposite of hurt. 

If you love someone and they cheat on you, or lie to you, or say something horrible, it’s not the love you have for them that hurts. What hurts is the meaning you give to the thing they did. Your feelings of betrayal hurt. The love never hurts, and the love never caused the hurt. Loving someone never hurts. No matter what they do. It’s the lack of love that hurts. 

Withholding love doesn’t protect you or hurt someone else. It hurts you. Saying, “They don’t deserve my love,” is simply denying yourself the feeling of love. You are the only one who feels your love. 

Love is an emotion. It’s a vibration in your body. You feel it. It doesn’t jump out of your body and into someone else’s body. Your love is your feeling. 

Loving never hurts. Loving is the opposite of hurt. So denying your feeling for someone else doesn’t make sense. Even when you act loving toward someone else, they don’t feel it. They interpret it as a thought, and then they feel what they feel. This is why you can genuinely feel something for someone and they don’t experience it that way. This is why someone can love you, and you don’t feel the same way. You create all your own feelings, and they create all their own feelings. Period. So, why would you ever choose to feel anything other than love? 

How can you feel more love? Thoughts that create love don’t come naturally. We have to practice. 

Pick someone you have a bit of trouble loving and want to improve your relationship with them. 

Who do you want to be in this relationship? In other words, what kind of employee, spouse, sister, or daughter-in-law do you want to be? Make sure you think about this separately from the other person’s behavior—don’t let that determine who you are. Decide who you want to be. Take some time to really write it all out. How do you want to feel? Why?

How do you want to act and show up? What do you want to give and offer to this person?

If you would like to continue this work with me, then schedule a free trial coaching session. 

If you want to stop focusing on what you’ve given up and start creating the life you desire abroad, then contact me now. 

Do you find yourself questioning your decision to move abroad? Do you want to start feeling better now?

If so, then you need to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to work with me, your Certified Life Coach and fellow expat.

Can’t wait to work with you.

Schedule a free trial coaching session