

Many of us are living what I would call a great ordinary life. Nothing to complain about except that we aren’t happy and we aren’t fulfilled and we are complaining on the inside. We aren’t complaining outside because we feel shame about not having the exact life that we want. For some people, they’ve created everything they thought they wanted. They’ve come to this place in their life where they are married, they have kids, they have an education, they have a good job and yet they’re not fulfilled in their lives.

For other people, it’s that they have bigger dreams that they keep procrastinating on, or they can’t seem to find their purpose. Still others, spend a lot of time in a very good life buffering away. By buffering I mean distracting themselves with food or Netflix or some other numbing influence. 

As an expat this can all be compounded by the fact that other people may perceive your life or situation as glamorous or jet setting. However, your reality feels anything but that.

We have arrived at a place in humanity where there’s a huge level of DISSATISFACTION. It makes no sense because we are richer than we’ve ever been. We live more comfortable lives than we’ve ever lived. It’s easier to survive than it ever has been. I think therein lies the problem. You see, we are wired to survive.

The fact that you have arrived at a place where you are trying to survive when you don’t need to survive is what is causing your DISSATISFACTION. In order for us to evolve to that next level we need to change our motivation. That need that you have to go beyond where you are right now will require you to literally reexamine what’s going on in your brain, to rewire it on purpose, to go from seeking pleasure and avoiding pain and minimizing your effort to the exact opposite of that.

We stop exploring the possibilities of our future and we start looking backwards at our past. Instead of asking ourselves who can we be, we start asking ourselves who am I and we look to our past for the answers. This is what creates that level of DISSATISFACTION even though you have all the great things that you want to have in your life. The circumstances of our lives are not as important as we think. These are the facts of our lives. What really matters is how we think about our lives because our thoughts are what create our feelings, our feelings are what create our actions and our actions are what create our results. The way that we solve our DISSATISFACTION is by flipping our motivation and focusing on our future. Yes, you have to know where you are, but then, you also have to know where you want to go.

If you would like to continue this work with me, then schedule a free trial coaching session. 

If you want to stop focusing on what you’ve given up and start loving your life abroad, then contact me now. 

Do you find yourself questioning your decision to move abroad? Do you want to start feeling better now?

If so, then you need to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to work with me, your Certified Life Coach and fellow expat.

Can’t wait to work with you.

Schedule a free trial coaching session