All ambitious goals are created on a pile of failures. You can successfully take your planned ACTION toward your goal, but you might fail in the result that you want to create.
If you are taking ACTION because you need evidence in order to believe that you will achieve your goal or you’re going to give up on your goal, then you’re doing it wrong. This is what I’ve seen so many people do. They set an ambitious goal for themselves, and then they expect themselves to lose five pounds in the first five minutes or make €8000 in the first month. When they don’t get that evidence, they give up on that goal so fast.
What they’re saying is I’ll believe in that goal as long as this first month starts producing evidence right away, and if it doesn’t, then I’m out. What I’m suggesting is first of all, you set an ambitious goal. Second of all, you start taking ACTIONS that make sense based on what you did yesterday and what is possible for you today, and then you keep building the momentum from there.
If you don't get results right away, then you shift back to your belief, and you take the next ACTION.
The problem is we don’t believe hard enough yet, so in the beginning, our results are usually pretty dismal, because we’ve just started practicing believing in it. When our results are dismal, we sacrifice the goal because of the lack of evidence. We set ourselves up for failure in the beginning and then we stop taking ACTION.
If you have set yourself up to be immobilized because you’ve made your next ACTION step too challenging and you can’t actually do it so you’re not taking ACTION, you will not be moving forward. You have to be what I call failing forward. You have to be taking ACTION and looking at your results, then taking a different ACTION to keep moving forward.
So think about your life and think about your ambitious goal and ask yourself the question, are you continuously taking massive ACTION towards the goal that you have set for yourself? One of the reasons why you may not be doing that is you have confused an ambitious goal with impossible daily steps.
Expect failures and dismal results, particularly at the beginning. Keep believing in yourself and your ambitious goal and ask yourself what ACTION you can take next towards your goal. Keep doing that each and every day until you reach that ambitious goal.